Bill Groginsky Rerume


Bill Groginsky

Prior to going freelance, Bill was a Senior Copywriter at MRM/McCann on the Verizon account. It was there that he achieved his greatest successes: Consistently beating Verizon control letters over a 6-year period.

Before MRM, Bill worked at leading direct and digital agencies like OgilvyOne, Digitas and Wunderman. Over the years, he followed the natural progression from writing direct mail to writing emails, blogs and web pages. He also learned the importance of branding, and how every communication — from email to TV spot — helps to build a memorable brand image.

Bill is a big believer in the old Ogilvy maxim: “Clients don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.” He is the kind of experienced, honest and dependable copywriter that clients trust and respect.

Bill began his career as an Account Executive. He still thinks that his early training in account work helped him become a strong strategic thinker and results-oriented copywriter.